Avoid Steering in Real Estate While Showing Properties

avoid steering in real estate
Fair Housing has been more prominent than ever in the Real Estate Market, especially in light of the recent Black Lives Matter Movement, and the Long Island undercover investigation that was brought to light earlier in the year. Ensuring you understand the Fair Housing Act, and the new legislation that went into effect June 20th to help avoid steering in real estate will also help you make the right recommendations

Congratulations to our 2019 Top Performing REALTORS®

Why use a REALTOR®
Each year, the Ulster County Board of REALTORS® recognizes those REALTORS®  in the Mid Hudson Valley and Catskill Region who are members of the UCBR; and have achieved outstanding performances in both the number of units sold and gross sales. The 2019 results are in, and we want to congratulate these top REALTORS® in the region by recognizing them for their hard work and efforts throughout 2019.  Gross Sales for

The Hudson Valley Real Estate Market is Rebounding

Hudson Valley real estate market is rebounding
It was a tough first quarter for the Hudson Valley Real Estate market – and the real estate market nationwide, as the pandemic put the majority of the economy on hold, while everyone sat tight in response to the large economic and socio-economic effects felt throughout the country due to COVID-19. While we are slowly emerging from quarantine, many people are shifting their lifestyles to reflect this new way of

Maintaining Business Relationships in a Crisis

maintaining business relationships in a crisis
Crises can become complicated situations to navigate, especially with clients. They often can bring out fear, stress, anxiety, which makes everyone feel on edge and uncertain. With an unpredictable climate, maintaining a strong client- REALTOR® relationship is more important than ever. As people are looking to move out of densely populated urban areas and into more open spaces, maintaining these relationships is even more important for REALTORS® in Ulster and

The Latest in Fair Housing Updates

fair housing updates
With the new Fair Housing Regulations going into effect June 20th, and in light of the current climate addressing race within the United States, Fair Housing should be on all REALTORS® radars. In addition to the new regulations that went into effect last week, the National Association of REALTORS®  (NAR) and the Department of Housing and Development (HUD) met last week to offer additional resources and commitments to help REALTORS®

Exterior Features to Look for in Homes

Exterior Features to Look for in Homes
Don’t overlook these exterior features while touring a property. As the Mid-Hudson Valley region has safely entered Phase II, it’s important to remember that as we slowly move towards back our normal routines, to still practice social distancing and be mindful of limiting the amount of physical contact you have while looking at homes. If you are able to clearly look at the interior of a home from the outside,

Trending Interior Paint Colors in 2020

trending interior paint colors in 2020
Here’s the scoop on trending interior paint colors in 2020! It’s been a different spring than most of us had anticipated, and chances are we have spent much more time analyzing our homes layout, decor and the colors our walls are painted. Painting the interior of our homes is something we can do while we are spending the majority of our time at home, and if done right, can be

REALTOR® News: Navigating Phase II Reopening

phase II reopening for REALTORS
As the Mid- Hudson Valley has successfully begun the re-opening process by entering Phase I, Phase II could commence as early as June 9th if everything goes to plan. With Phase II potentially happening next week, this is great news for REALTORS®. Since the Real Estate Industry is part of Phase II of the re-opening process, this would allow REALTORS® to begin working in a greater capacity than the last

Home Decor Repurposing for Spring

home decor repurposing for spring
Change up your home decor this spring by repurposing what is already in your house! With the warmer weather, longer days and flowers and trees in full bloom, spring has officially arrived in the Mid Hudson Valley. As we pack up our winter essentials to make room for our spring wardrobe, it’s also the perfect time to give our homes a refresh. While we are still practicing social distancing and

REALTOR® Info After NY PAUSE: Navigating the First Steps Post Lockdown

Now that we’ve passed May 15th, certain businesses and activities will be able to open back up. There will still be safety guidelines in place, such as wearing masks, social distancing, and limiting the amount of people allowed in or near a business, in order to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 as we start to move back to normal life. While everything is still up in the air as

REALTOR® Wellness & Resources

REALTOR® Wellness
While the stay at home order for New York State is currently set to lift May 15th, for many, this may seem like there is light finally at the end of the tunnel. We have all been adjusting to the ‘new normal’ for the past two months, and for many, this has not been an easy adjustment. Especially for the Real Estate Industry, where stay at home orders have meant

Updates to Fair Housing and Advertising Regulations

fair housing and advertising regulations
As we round out Fair Housing month, which is celebrated each April, it is important to note the updates to from the New York Department of State regarding Fair Housing and Advertising Regulations in the Real Estate Market. As we are still in a statewide lockdown, this gives us an opportunity to take the time to read about all the Real Estate industry news, in the safety of our own