How REALTORS® Can Champion Fair Housing

Fair Housing Event UCBR
Fair Housing Event UCBR

Fair Housing Act on American Flag

As dedicated professionals in the real estate sector, REALTORS® play a crucial role in promoting and protecting fair housing rights. Their actions can significantly impact eliminating housing discrimination and fostering an inclusive, equitable housing market. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide on how REALTORS® can lead the way in fair housing and contribute to the creation of diverse, inclusive communities.

Understanding Fair Housing

The heart of fair housing is the principle of equal access to housing opportunities for everyone, regardless of race, color, religion, sex, family status, or national origin. This principle is enshrined in the federal Fair Housing Act, which was enacted as part of the Civil Rights Act of 1968.

The Fair Housing Act: An Overview

The Fair Housing Act made it unlawful to discriminate in rental housing, real estate sales, and financing based on protected characteristics. It was enacted to counter decades of discriminatory practices that had perpetuated racial segregation and unequal access to housing opportunities.

However, despite being over fifty years old, the Fair Housing Act remains essential in today’s real estate transactions. Homeownership rates for African Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Asian Americans still lag behind those of White Americans, demonstrating the ongoing need for diligent enforcement of fair housing laws.

Protected Classes Under the Fair Housing Act

The Fair Housing Act protects people from discrimination based on their:

  • Race
  • Color
  • National origin
  • Religion
  • Sex
  • Familial status (including children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women, and people securing custody of children under the age of 18)
  • Disability

In addition to these federal protections, many states and local jurisdictions have added further protected classes, such as age, marital status, sexual orientation, and source of income.

The Role of REALTORS® in Promoting Fair Housing

REALTORS® have a pivotal role in promoting fair housing and creating an inclusive housing market. By understanding and adhering to fair housing laws, they can help eliminate discrimination, foster equal opportunities, and contribute to creating more diverse, inclusive communities.

  1. Implicit Bias Training

One of the first steps for REALTORS® to champion fair housing is to acknowledge and overcome implicit biases. These are unconscious associations or stereotypes that can influence our understanding, actions, and decisions, often leading to discriminatory practices.

By participating in implicit bias workshops, REALTORS® can gain tools to override the effects of implicit bias. Such training can help them avoid fair housing pitfalls and provide equal professional service to every customer or client.

  1. Virtual Fair Housing Simulations

Another effective way for REALTORS® to understand and combat housing discrimination is through virtual fair housing simulations. These immersive experiences use storytelling to challenge REALTORS® to identify, prevent, and address discriminatory practices in real estate.

  1. Staying Up-to-Date With Fair Housing Legislation and Advocacy

Keeping abreast of fair housing legislation, policy changes, and advocacy efforts is crucial for all REALTORS®. This can involve participating in legislative meetings and discussions, engaging with advocacy groups, and regularly reviewing updates on fair housing law and related issues.

  1. Applying for Fair Housing Grants

Many organizations offer grants to support activities that promote fair housing. These grants can be used to fund various initiatives, such as educational programs, awareness campaigns, and community outreach efforts.

  1. Undertaking Fair Housing Training and Education

Regular training and education on fair housing can help REALTORS® stay up-to-date with changes in legislation and reinforce the importance of promoting diversity and equal access in the housing market. Many states require fair housing training to obtain and maintain a real estate license.

Key Fair Housing Issues for REALTORS®

Several key issues are particularly relevant for REALTORS® when it comes to fair housing.

  1. Redlining, Steering, and Blockbusting

Redlining, steering, and blockbusting are discriminatory practices that have been outlawed but continue to impact the housing market in covert ways.

  • Redlining:This practice involves refusing to provide financing or insurance in certain areas based on the racial or ethnic composition of the area.
  • Steering:This refers to real estate agents directing clients towards or away from specific neighborhoods based on their race or other protected characteristics.
  • Blockbusting:This manipulative practice involves real estate agents spreading rumors about the influx of racial or ethnic minorities into a neighborhood to encourage homeowners to sell their properties quickly, often at a loss.
  1. Discrimination Against People with Disabilities

Discrimination against people with disabilities accounts for a significant proportion of fair housing complaints. This can include refusing to make reasonable accommodations for tenants with disabilities, failure to design and construct accessible housing, and other forms of differential treatment based on disability.

  1. Advertising Practices

Fair housing laws also extend to advertising practices in real estate. It’s illegal to use discriminatory language or express a preference for or against a protected class in real estate advertisements.

  1. Penalties for Violating Fair Housing Laws

Violations of fair housing laws can result in severe penalties, including hefty fines, lawsuits, and potential loss of a real estate license. Therefore, it’s crucial for all REALTORS® to understand their responsibilities under fair housing laws and ensure their practices align with these requirements.


Upholding fair housing principles is not just a legal obligation for REALTORS®; it’s a moral responsibility and a professional commitment to promoting diversity and inclusivity. By championing fair housing, REALTORS® can contribute to creating a more equitable society where everyone has the right to secure housing without discrimination. This endeavor aligns with the professional and informative tone, accessible language, diverse sentence structures, and straightforward factual style that REALTORS® should embody when communicating with clients and the public. By doing so, they can help ensure that the beauty and safety of homes are accessible to all, regardless of their race, color, religion, sex, familial status, or national origin.

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