Known for its quaint rural charm, the Town of Plattekill, NY, home to Hamlets Clintondale and Modena, was established in 1800 from the Town of Marlborough, after being settled early in the previous century.
The Hudson Valley farm Town is located in the southeast part of Ulster County, named after the Platte Kill stream. It borders Newburgh and Orange County to the south; the Towns of Shuawngunk and Gardiner to the west; Lloyd to the north; and the Town of Marlborough, across Marlboro Mountain, to the east.
For most of the year, the hub of the Town’s activity is Thomas Felton Memorial Park, where picnics, car shows, fireworks displays and holiday gatherings are held. Other attractions include pick-your-own-fruit orchards, corn mazes, outdoor movies, horseback riding, camping, roadside barbecues, and farm stands with local flowers, vegetables and cheeses.
The ski slopes of Plattekill Mountain are not in Plattekill, NY; rather, the privately owned ski resort is located northwest of Ulster County, in the Town of Roxbury, NY, in the less populous Delaware County.
Established: 1800
Total Area: 35.74 square miles
Zip Codes: 12589
Population (2010): 10,499
Cole-Hasbrouck Farm Historic District
Thaddeus Hait Farm
Thomas Felton Memorial Park
Photos (L-R): Mountain Biking – Rino Peroni | Skiing – Skistar | Camping – Frank Schmidt | Plattekill Day – Town of Plattekill