2021 National Real Estate Safety Month Tips

Real Estate safety month

When the pandemic hit, we were unsure of what the future would bring – and we’re still learning every day as the world evolves to our “new normal”. September is National REALTOR® Safety Month. There is no better time to evaluate your safety strategy to ensure your listings and showings are as safe as possible. From the digital to the physical world, it’s important to take steps to make sure you’re not making too much information available to unknown parties. Too much information can backfire resulting in potential identity theft, theft at an open house, or a burglary at a property listed as vacant.

Real Estate Agent Safety – Tips For Your Protection

Physical showings: With vaccine passports being available and businesses opening back up, physical showings are once again becoming popular. First off, you should make sure you’re familiar with the property before your client arrives. Taking a ‘pre-tour’ will eliminate potential surprises, which could include dangerous or hazardous areas, and you can also make sure you are aware of all emergency exits. Next, when your client arrives you should let them lead. Letting your client walk in front of you during a showing will allow you to always have them in your full view.

Another great real estate agent safety tip is to always follow your instincts. According to an article from Mace® Brands, “Many agents who have been crime victims say they felt like something was off but did not take action soon enough. If something feels out of place, don’t hesitate to stop and showing a leave immediately. Always trust your ‘gut instinct’ and maintain a safe space and distance.

Online Presence: While having an online presence is just as important as a physical one, it can also have just as many dangers. It’s important to keep emergency numbers easily accessible so in case of any kind of emergency, you can get the help you need in a timely manner. It is also important to monitor what information you post online. For instance, if you have a vacant house listed and you post that you’re going on a personal vacation, people will know there is nobody watching that property. We know that posting to social media is a fun way to keep people in the loop, and while there is nothing wrong with engaging on your personal platforms, just make sure the information you share is not too personal.

When it comes to personal information, this includes things like phone numbers, family members names, birthdays, and even personal photos. It is imperative that you keep all things personal off your business page to keep your information from falling into the wrong hands.

As a REALTOR®, staying up to date on the latest safety tips is essential when meeting new clients and showing homes. We hope the above information was helpful and will be put to good use in helping to keep realtors safe across the nation.

If you enjoyed reading the above article, you can find more REALTOR® Safety tips and topics here. The team at UCBR strives to elevate the real estate industry by supporting our community and providing continuing education for professionals and their client base. Additionally, you can also find us on social media at the following: Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Cheers!


REALTOR Safety Month - Prepping and closing.
Operation Backpack Fall 2021
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